Friday, January 27, 2012

A Senior's Reflection-JJ Smith

JJ Smith swims the sprint freestyle events for the Aquabears.

As I think back about the past four years I have been on this team, I can only remember the good times.  There were bad times, bad practices, coaches and teammates having bad days, long bus rides, but I only remember the good times.  I remember going to the corn mazes and jumping out and scaring everyone and making some girls cry because they were so scared.  I laugh when I remember all those fun, awkward trips to water world.  The memories of going camping, picking pumpkins, winter training trips, painting classrooms, and white elephant parties.  No matter how beat down or broken we are, we always find a way to pick our team up and kick some butt the next day at practice or a meet.

A few things I remember the most are the conference meets, vividly.  Freshmen year, I was a nervous wreck at the University of Houston.  Swimming against these monsters from other teams and foreign countries, I thought I was big but these girls were WAY bigger and faster.
The next year, still in Houston, we came back stronger and faster.  We made some new friends with “the Tank”, “Butt crack boy” and the rest of the Hawaii team and danced the night away in the hotel hallway as we stormed the competition and showed them we were a different team. 

Then finally my junior year we got to make a new name for ourselves at MPSF in Long Beach, California.  We came, we saw, and we conquered.  As a team we rose to the challenge of being the underdogs and we blew everyone away with breaking records and being the team we are. 

And this year, I cannot wait to see how much our team improves and what we can do this year.  Based on what I have seen this season from them I am counting down not the days till I am done but the days until I get to watch my team achieve the goals we have been working for the past 7 months.

After everything I have been through with this team good, bad, hard, fun, etc.  I would never change a single thing that happened the past four years.  I owe my success in swimming and school to multiple people who know who they are.  I would not have been able to finish my swimming career without the help and support of my team.  So again I thank each and every one of you.

If anything I am proud to say I am and will always be a UNC Bear.

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