Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Day in the Life

This week's A Day in the Life feature come from JJ Smith, a junior from Centennial, Colorado.  JJ, who swims sprint freestyle for the AquaBears, talks about majoring in Physical Education, swimming, and daily rehab for her recent shoulder injury.

Junior JJ Smith
 A Day in the Life of JJ Smith

Yet another dream is interrupted by the sound of that dreaded alarm clock.  Up before the sun sneaking out of the house trying not to wake the others and on my way to lifting.  Tuesdays my schedule differs, a little, due to a recent shoulder injury.  At 5:30 I start off with rehab, and seeing as it is way too early for any normal person to be up, it is just our trainer, Katie, and I.  Rehab and daily trips to the training room, multiple times a day, have become a habit for me this year to keep my shoulder healthy.  After a session of rehab it’s back with the sprinters and divers to finish the morning with abs.  Heading home to an empty house I breakfast and do some last minute reading before classes.

Being a Physical Education major is fun and games in class but also involves learning and tons of work, of course.  Today we learned how to teach running, dodging, fleeing, and chasing.  Easy right? Yes and no.  I do get to play everyday in classes but it does involve a lot of work.  In my next class we work on developing lesson plans, the objectives that we want the students to learn, and work on psychomotor, cognitive, and affective goals.  Right after this class we go into doing activities and practice teachings.  We teach each other skills that we will also teach in middle school including team handball, rugby, soccer, and ultimate frisbee.  We get to play and learn specific goals from all these sports.  Everyone finds it very impressive that a swimmer has eye-hand and eye-foot coordination.  After playing for a little bit it is time to sit down with each other and reflect on the teachings we just finished.  In the PE program we all stay together throughout classes and years until we graduate and we all have become very good friends through the past three years. After classes I head off with my lunch to study hall for some homework before practice.

Next I head to practice ready to go and put in a good work out.  Being a sprinter we have specific goals on what we need to get done for each practice to be the best we can at meets.  But today differs from others because we have our camp fire meeting. We talk about what is going on and what is coming up in the next few weeks including meets, recruits, community service, etc.  We always manage to get a little off task and always have a few good laughs before jumping in.

After practice it’s a quick run home, get some dinner, and back to study hall for a couple hours and a quick visit with a few friends to top off the day.  The day finally comes to a close and my bed is calling my name getting me ready for another day of practice and school. 

An outsider walking in and seeing our team would see a crazy team of 28 girls jamming out to music, sometimes dancing, and swimming back and forth in the pool.  What I see is my teammates, my friends, and my family.  I usually do not remember what practice was from yesterday nor do I remember those extra hard days Coach and the sets really test my mental and physical toughness.  What I do remember is all the great times I have had with this team.  And can’t wait to see what crazy, fun times are in store for me.  

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