Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Day in the Life of an AquaBear

Mostly you see our AquaBears in the pool as swimmers and divers but in reality our athletes are much more than just a swimmer or a diver.  In addition to practices, meets, team meetings, weights, study hall and traveling our AquaBears also take a full load of classes and sometimes find time for socializing....typically at a meal with the team. 

Senior Captain Tori Gutt
Every Thursday we will be highlighting an AquaBear with a recount of their daily schedule including insight to experiences and lessons learned over the course of their career as an AquaBear.  We hope to give you a behind the scenes look at our swimmers and divers.

Our first AquaBear is senior and co-captain Tori Gutt.  Tori holds UNC Top All-Time Times in both the 200 Breast and 400 IM with many other times in our Top Ten list.  Originally from Tucson, AZ here is A Day in the Life of Tori Gutt.................

Sometimes, people ask me why I chose to swim in college.  This question used to be hard to answer because the schedule is grueling, and the sport is demanding. But now, as a senior, and after 3 years of this life, I think I have figured out the answer to that popular question. . .

The alarm clock always goes off early.  I roll out of bed and head to the pool.  The morning practice goes well. After practice is over, I feel good.

I eat a quick breakfast after practice and complete some final homework assignments before classes start.  I live in an apartment within walking distance to campus.  I walk with my roommate to our classes.  I enjoy learning and love putting my best effort into a difficult assignment.  Working hard in the classroom is just as important as working hard in the pool.
After a full day of class, it is time for our afternoon practice.  As a group, we stretch and do dryland—abs today.  Then we jump in the pool for a hard workout.  When we have finished, I am exhausted, but I have such a feeling of accomplishment.  Each day of hard work is one day closer to the team showing it off at conference.

Following practice, I eat dinner at the dining hall with the team.  I am all about the dining hall!  It is all-you-can-eat, which I am a huge fan of, because who doesn’t like unlimited food?  Duh, sign me up—love it.  The food is delicious, and the conversation is great.  We always share lots of laughs at dinner.  I walk back to my apartment to start a long night of homework.  I have a quiz to study for and a lot of assignments due tomorrow.  My studying is productive, and I feel ready for my quiz in the morning.

I wish I had some extra free time after I finish my work to relax.  But, it is bedtime.  I have learned that sleep is just too important.  School and swimming are time consuming, but I know it is all worth it.  Swimming has taught me how to manage my time, and how to juggle it all. 

I don’t do it for the early morning wake up calls.
I don’t do it for the rushed breakfasts or the hurried homework.
I don’t do it for the endless crunches, the sore muscles or the grueling workouts.
I don’t do it for the long, late nights of homework.
I don’t do it for the lack of sleep or the full body fatigue. 
We all sacrifice a lot to live this life, but it is something I will never forget.  When things get tough, it is the little things that get me through it all.  It’s the little jokes in the locker room.  It’s late night story time on long bus rides.  It’s a smile from a teammate in the hallway at school.  It’s the pancake breakfasts after Saturday practices.  It’s the team movie nights after a long week.  It’s funny, because I don’t remember practice on October 4 of my freshman year.  I don’t remember my time in the 200 breaststroke at the Early Bird Invite 3 years ago.  I don’t remember weight room workouts from last month.  But what I do remember are the memories.  And those memories will last a lifetime.  I remember meeting the team for the first time.  I remember making friends that will last a lifetime.  I remember sharing stories at team sleepovers.  Some of the best times of my life have been spent with the girls on this team.  By next week, I probably won’t even remember yesterday’s workout.  But I will always remember this team, and that is what is important.  The team is what gets me through it all. 

And that is why I swim.

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