Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Day in the Life

Sophomore Hannah Hurd

This week's A Day in the Life is Sophomore Hannah Hurd who is from Loveland, Colorado swimming Mid-Distance Freestyle and Backstroke for the AquaBears.  Hannah is majoring in Elementary Education.

Nine-tenths of education is encouragement.
Anatole France
            Some people say majoring in Elementary Education is the easiest thing ever, that it shouldnt even count as a major! If these naysayers were to spend one day in my shoes, they would recognize the vast complexities and demands of education that are not reflected in the colorful posters and candy jars that welcome visitors in a typical school office.
            In the mornings, I walk into my math class ready to learn any and every method a student can use to find a correct answer to a given math problem. We learn ways to implement the use of manipulatives, such as geoboards and tangrams, into our lessons to create a hands-on learning environment. Some of the concepts learned in my high school AP Statistics and Trigonometry classes are being integrated into these new elementary math curriculums. Our elementary students are going to be very math savvy by the time they finish the fifth grade!
            Next, I head to a class where I am learning all about Colorado history. From fur trappers to Indians, gold miners to farmers, we are garnering an in depth understanding of this states background.  A challenge we face is to present this information in kid-friendly formats such as concept webs, venn diagrams, and reading guides.
            My night wraps up with discussions and articles on how every pupil learns differently. I am reminded there is no single right way to teach to all students. It is our job to learn everything we can about our students so we can create a successful learning environment for each individual.
            Swimming has taught me lessons I will carry with me all of my life. It has taught me how to lead through my actions. It has taught me that the people I can rely on most are just a lane line away. It has taught me how to juggle a sport, schoolwork, family and friends. It has taught me how to give more to a team then I take from it. It has taught me to never go to the grocery store after a workout because you might end up buying the whole store youre so hungry! It has taught me dedication should not be something left to dry on the pool deck. But most of all, it has taught me the strength of encouragement. I am growing every day, not just as a person, but as an educator and the basis for this is swimming.
            Whether through rote memorization, the dissection of various theories on learning or racing in the pool, UNC is enabling and encouraging me to become a successful teacher. I can only hope that I will be able to encourage the next generation as much as my predecessors have encouraged me!

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