Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Day in the Life.....

This week's A Day in the Life comes from Gina Cernohous.  Gina is a freshman who grewing up in Kansas and swims the Distance events for the Bears.

Gina Cernohous

So you’re sitting on Facebook at work, in class, in study hall (or all the above) and you start to ponder…I wonder what Gina Cernohous’ life is like every day? Well don’t call me a genie, but here your wishes come true.

1. Wake up – Jasmine (my roommate) and I wake up to her song of choice every morning. It’s usually very  inspirational like Lil’ Wayne or Aaron Carter.
2. Priorities first – I get up and brush my teeth (no one likes stinky breath) while Jasmine uses the lavatory. Then we both change clothes and out the door we go to weights.
3. Morning greetings – I tend to be one of the more happy people at morning practice. I love to greet our wonderful weight coach Emily along with my other teammates.
4. Morning grind – Whether I’m in the pool or lifting racks in the weight room, I’m always giving 110% with a smile on my face.
5. Morning grub – Breakfast time! My personal favorite meal of the day, and the most important! *Notice how I left out getting ready. I am blessed with natural beauty and it doesn’t take much to look good
6. Class time- I go to class all day, every day, every dang day. (Except Saturday & Sunday)
7. Study hall – During the day if I’m not in class, I’m usually in study hall doing homework or on Twitter.
8. Lunch – Another priority in my everyday life…FOOD!
9. Practice makes perfect – I love going to practice every day to see the awesome new friends I have made this year, and to see how far I can push myself every day!
10. Dinner feast – Yes…food again. I like to call my stomach an endless pit.
11. Relaxing with my girls – After dinner, all I ever want to do is go back to my room and kick it with my roomies Kellie and Jasmine by watching Lifetime movies or singing to my i-pod.
12. 8:30 – Well this is when I have to say good-bye because this is when me and Jasmine hit the hay for the night. Got to get my beauty sleep.

I hope this brief summary fulfills your every desire of knowing about my everyday life. I truly love every minute of it, and wouldn’t trade it for anything! I love my team more than I love cats.

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