Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Day in the Life.....

This week's A Day in the Life is from freshman Kellie Burke.  Kellie swims the mid-distance freestlye events for the Bears and is from Carlsbad, California.

Freshman Kellie Burke
       The alarm clock rings and it reads 5:23 on Monday morning. And like every other average college student, this is the time I get up to head to practice. I am the first to rise in my room, and I sluggishly get ready and get dressed. Being from California, or God’s Country, as my roommate Gina likes to call it, I bundle up with sometimes up to three layers to walk outside into the cold. I start my lonesome walk to Butler Hancock while I think about my day ahead. I reach the gym and head off to the scales for our weekly weigh in. Here our weight coach, Emily, greets us with her always sparkling, smiling face. We proceed into the weight room, where we get it down. Now it is off to get breakfast to go, and head back up to the room. I eat my delicious meal while waiting for my other roommates to shower. See, we have a system; Gina showers, then Jasmine, and then me. The clock now reads 7:50 and I feel like I’ve already lived an entire day, but in actuality my day has not even started.
I head off to my first class, Stats 150, which is so exciting and interesting. (If you have not picked up on my sarcasm by now, I am sorry). After Stats, I head to Psychology. Then I get a break to relax in my dorm with my roomie, Gina. Then we both head out at 11:00 to our next class, to only meet up for lunch an hour later. We meet up at Holmes with our other lunch dates, a wrestler and a softball player. These lunches make my day so much better. Then it’s off to Bio with Emily Essig-Peppard, where we struggle to stay awake (just kidding Mom and Dad!).
It is now time to head off to the training room before heading to practice. In the training room, I am greeted by my best friend Kyle, the trainer, and his assistant, Mary. I heat my back, do my exercises, and get a wonderful stretch from Mary. I always feel so much better after leaving that room. It is now 3:00 and it’s time for practice. That’s pretty much self-explanatory, swim, swim, and swim some more. Practice is now over and my bestie, Casey, and I run through the warm shower real quick to only make the dreaded walk down to the ice bath. We always take our time getting ready after practice, and are the last ones to come into the training room for ice; Kyle can always bet on us for this. We get our ice and head off to dinner, the best time of day. We stand in the long lines for one of our following favorite; Mac and Cheese, chicken noodle soup, pasta, or grilled cheese. We enjoy our time together eating dinner with the rest of the team, because we know soon enough we will be headed off to study hall. When we walk up the stairs in Butler Hancock going up to study hall, we can always trust that our buddies Stuart or Lauren will be there waiting to greet us.
The clock now reads 9:00 and I head home after a long, exhausting, average day. I come home to one of the following; both my two roommates Gina and Jasmine either sitting on the couch knitting, or the whole room dark and everyone already sleeping. I seem to always be late to bed and early to rise. But I would not change any of it. Well, I might actually change the amount of homework I have, but I can’t be too greedy. I love my life here at UNC and everyone that is a part of it. I hope this brief explanation of my exciting, average Monday made your own day just a little bit brighter.

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