Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Day in the Life.....

This week's A Day in the Life is brought to us by sophomore Tatum Boehnke from Carson City, Nevada.  Tatum swims the Distance Freestyle events for the AquaBears along with the monstrous 200 Fly. 

Sophomore Tatum Boehnke
Not a second early my alarm clock rings and it is time to crawl out of bed. It does not take me long to get ready for the morning weights session because turns out I sleep in my clothes…duh. The four extra minutes of sleep are well worth it!

So after putting on my shoes I head out to the living room to see my beautiful roommates waiting to leave for practice. My roommates would argue that they look their best when their hair is done and makeup on, but I must argue I prefer their sweatpanted, bedhead look, but that is just me.

With backpacks in hand, the four of us head out to the parking lot where Tori is waiting to give us a ride. Tori is our team captain and my personal chauffer, I don’t know what I would do without her! Thanks Tori for all the early morning rides!

It is pretty darn cold this morning but luckily our weight room, that is brand new to the athletic department this year, is super well heated! We warm up as usual and get right to lifting. Today was a pretty quick day with just a little hang clean here and bench press there!
My favorite part of the mornings we have weights is after we are done and breakfast at our awesome dining hall awaits. Eggs to order, waffles, muffins, and every kind of cereal imaginable is literally the best thing ever. Not to mention the company I keep at breakfast is not too bad either. : )
During the day my time is spent going to classes and finding time to nap. Today I had a Recreation and Tourism and Exercise Physiology II classes. I really enjoy both of these classes and both the teachers make going to class enjoyable and worthwhile.
In between these two classes I have a little downtime so that means a little studying is done as well as a little OC watching. For those of you that haven’t seen the OC you should probably check it out…best show ever! After a episode (or two! shh) and my last class is over afternoon practice is here.

I am very ready for practice and am actually excited to see that we have a distance set today. This level of excitement decreased as the set went on, but hey that is the name of the game right? I am so grateful for my distance girls, who come into practice everyday ready for anything! I am also so happy to be swimming with Miss Amanda Donegan now too, a new addition to the distance group!

veryone is relieved to be done with practice and happy with a job well done. We are now off to the dining hall once again. Tonight was a carnival themed dinner including churros, funnel cakes, and marshmallow brownies for dessert…yum. Don’t worry mom, I ate my vegetables too! After dinner it is home for some relaxation and homework. And last but not least I head to bed, in my weight clothes no doubt!

Swimming in college for the past two years has taught me so many valuable things: time management, the value of a good work ethic, determination etc. But the most important thing it has taught me is to value the small things in life. Cherish the team breakfasts and dinners. Make fun of the bedhead hair that we show up to weights with and most importantly I have learned that you can only be a collegiate athlete for four years so I need to make the absolute best of it. I hope you enjoyed a day in my life and thank you for supporting Northern Colorado Swimming and Diving. 

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