Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Day in the Life....SUMMER!!

As the school year is just around the corner AquaBears will begin to give us glimpses of their summer days back at home.  This week's A Day in the Life comes from incoming Sophomore Christina Gregory of Papillion, NE who gives us a view of her summer day back at home.

Sophomore Christina Gregory

My alarm goes off at 5:30 A.M. every morning, and every morning I wake up in a panic wondering “huh? what’s going on?”.  Oh, time to go to swim practice, that’s right. I am currently training for my sophomore year of college swimming. But today is no ordinary day, it’s Friday, and that means there is a possibility we will play a game in practice today. 

Looking forward to this possibility I drive my butt to the outdoor pool we, Sarpy County Seawolves, practice in during the summer. It rained last night, so there’s probably unwanted foliage and debris in the pool. Great. I usually get some of this stuck in my mouth during warm up. Whatever. 

So I get to practice and look at the work out sheet. Yes. We have a nice sprint set and then we are playing Death Cross. This is my favorite game. Ever. It is played in the diving well, and we are split up into four teams. Each team goes to one of the corners in the diving well, and when our coach yells “Go!” we race to the opposite corner. Who ever is last to their corner is out. Oh yeah, you can grab people from other teams and drag them back to your corner so as to get them out. Naturally, I excel at this game. :D

After practice is over I have just enough time to grab breakfast before I have to go to work. I get to the country club where I lifeguard at and start cleaning the pool and checking the skimmers. And then I find a baby garden snake. He is freaking adorable and I name him Little Todd. I contemplated keeping him. Instead I let him free into the garden. I miss Little Todd. 

Once work is over I hurry over to the gym to meet up with my lifting partner. My sister is my favorite person to lift with. We start out by catching up and gossiping a little, and then we start our work out. We lift heavy things and it is fun.

We finish our lifting and then go home for some dinner. Yum. And then I get ready to go out to get frozen yogurt with some of the girls. Yay!

As the summer is coming to an end I am a little relieved to know that I will be back with my fellow Bears soon. Sophomore year will be an exciting one, I have definitely learned things from this past year that I’ll do differently. Like when we go on bus rides, I will now bring two full water bottles to ensure I don’t go crazy from thirst.  

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