Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Day in the Life.....Spring Training

While a swimmers' spring training is not quite like that of baseball, it is still an exciting time for the team.  The AquaBears get to focus on things that will help them next season including agility drills and technique work in the pool.

Freshman Kaitlin Sorensen gives us a glimpse of what spring is like for the AquaBears.

Freshman Kaitlin Soresen

Tuesday, April 12th 2011, my eyes are abruptly awaken to my alarm at 6:05 a.m.  To most college students 6:05 is quite an early rise. Possibly only birds and squirrels rise that early. Oh yeah and swimmers.

After my rise at 6:05, I walked with my roommates to practice. This month in April, it is spring training, so our swim practices are only an hour, but for an hour we are able to work on technique in strokes and turns. So basically all the fundamentals of the strokes. So for practice the coaches have been working on all the turns the past 2 weeks. I was able to work on my breaststroke turn. Quite helpful if I do say so myself.

After practice ended at 7:30, I walked over to the dining hall to eat breakfast with the team and can I just say I was quite excited for breakfast this morning because 1) its breakfast and 2) they had bear claws which are basically the best breakfast pastries ever. So naturally I was quite excited for breakfast.

After breakfast I started getting ready for school. I am a Journalism major but right now I'm mostly taking liberal arts classes. So today I had my Sociology of Genders, and Women's Studies classes. My sociology class is one of my favorite classes this semester. My teacher Professor Mark Riddle is so lively and allows the class to be very interactive which makes the class fun. A class to take FOR sure.

After my Sociology class and my Women's Studies, I headed off to lunch and was able to get Gourmet to Go. After lunch I took a much needed nap to catch up on some missed sleep. At 2:50, I walked on over to Butler Hancock for dryland. At dryland on tuesdays, we do sprints and sprint shuffles. Middle Distance runners run 12 minutes and then sprinters lift for an hour.

After dryland, here comes dinner! Next to breakfast, best meal of the day. At dinner today, chicken fried chicken was on the menu and it was yum yum yummy. I paired the chicken with lemonade and a piece of bread. So all in all dinner was delicious.

After dinner I went back to my dorm to work on my homework for the evening. I was able fit in some extra time to watch The Dance Scene, a new show on E!  And then like any other day I called it a night. This is what being a Bear is all about. Best life ever!

Go Bears!

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