Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Day in the Life.....

This week's A Day in the Life of an AquaBear comes from Sophomore Sara Moldenhauer. Sara is a diver from Colorado Springs, CO who has qualified for the Zone meet in Minneapolis, MN in March.

Here is a day in the life of Sara............

Zone Qualifier Sara Moldenhauer
“If I could fly away, ooh and I wouldn’t come back no more, just to see you for the last time. See now I know, hey, that it wont be easy. I done fought in a battle and I done made it this far. I gotta few more feet but its still the longest yard.”  I take a deep breath and stretch before I turn off my alarm that happens to be Nelly’s “Fly Away”.  Its 5:30 and time to pump some iron! Today we focused on arms and ended with abdominals. Then I went to go eat a good hearty breakfast at the dining hall before class.  A Belgium waffle was my choice, the breakfast of champions. 
After the nice sit-down meal with the team, it was time to put on my thinking cap and head to class.  Classes are challenging and the two years that I have had college classes, I realized there isn’t one class that you slack off in. You have to pay attention and keep up with the homework then the rest falls into place. 
After a day of classes, and maybe a nap in between, it’s time to dive in the pool.  You have to work hard at practice. We practice to prefect our dives and perfection isn’t easy to chase after. Some days can be frustrating and hard to get through, but you have to push yourself and in the long run that is what makes you stronger.  At the end of the day, whether we share tears or laughs it’s the team that is always there for you. 

Bear of the Week!!

Freshman Gina Riggle

This week's Bear of the Week goes to Freshman Gina Riggle!! Gina is from Eaton, CO competing in the breastroke and freestyle events for the Bears. She has posted top times and grabbed numerous 1st place finishes for the Bears at the last two duals meets.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Winter FUN!!!

The AquaBears training in San Diego didn't consist of only challenging practices but also some good ol' California fun!!

It all started on New Year's Eve with party hats at the Team New Year's Eve dinner......................
Kelly, Kevin, Emily, Aimee and Katie
Two hours of cruising altitude of 32,000 ft, 12 passenger vans and chlorine finally took its toll on Coach and Aimee.

Conintued the next day with an elephant...............................

The team got out alive from the San Diego Zoo....................and had a great week of training in the sun!

A Day in the Life.....

A Day in the Life of an AquaBear is back for 2011 and what better way to start off than a small recap of our Training Trip to San Diego!  Sophomore Alicen Fair has the honors of recapping the good and the better of a week in San Diego.

Alicen Fair is from Aurora, CO
Here is a glimpse into Northern Colorado's Winter Training Trip to San Diego, CA by Alicen Fair.

Never have I been so happy to leave Colorado! It was balmy two degrees as we were leaving Denver. Talk about cold! Trading freezing Colorado for warm, sunny California sounded wonderful. Life was good!  Day one of training kicked off with some running on the beach.  Completing a challenging workout seems so much better when you’re in paradise. Later that morning, I got ready because the team was heading to the San Diego Zoo! I could not contain my excitement. We spent the rest of the day roaming around the zoo and it was the highlight of the trip hands down. Some of my teammates had the thrill of feeding the giraffes. It was hilarious to watch the giraffes interact with the girls and there were some priceless pictures afterwards. The following day was the first day of swimming. San Diego State University shared their pool and weight room with us for that week of training. It was great swimming in an outdoor pool. What’s better than getting a tan while you swim? After each practice was over, it was fun seeing how bad our tan lines got just in those two hours!  In between the practices and meets, we found time to have a lot fun!  We stopped in L.A after a meet and man did we feel like celebrities driving through Hollywood in our twelve passenger vans! Speaking of riding in the vans, there was never a dull moment. Traveling to practices, meets or dinners were some fond memories on this trip for me. Whether it was singing Ke$ha songs or just goofing around, there were always plenty of laughs! I think this is what I enjoy most about training trips! Although these trips meant to be very challenging, I love how we are always able to have fun with everything we do!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Happy Birthday!!

Two AquaBears celebrated birthdays this past week and the pool sure was colorful with the flower cap going up and down the black line!



Monday, January 17, 2011

Aqua Bears @ Mesa St

The AquaBears had a great weekend at Mesa State partcipating in the Peggy Foster Duals.  The meet was highlighted by Sophomore Sarah Moldenhauer who made her first ever Zones cut on the 1M Board, she will be joining Kelly in March at the Zone E Diving Meet in Minneapolis.  Other highlights of the meet include Freshman Gina Riggle capturing two first place finishes(50 Free; 100 Breast), Kelly re-setting her record on 1M and breaking the 300 point barrier, and Tori who took first in both the 200 Breast and 200 IM.

Way to go Bears!!! Follow this link for the Official Release from

Here's a clip of JJ teaching some of the other Bears her line dancing moves during the break!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bear of the Week

This week's Bear of the Week honor goes to Junior Hannah Halstrom.  Hannah is from Bozeman, Montana majoring in Business.  During the Bears training in San Diego, Hannah had great practices all week along with top season times against San Diego State and Tulane on Friday and Saturday. 

Sophomore Hannah Halstrom
Congrats Hannah!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Winter Training 2010-2011

2010 White Elephant Gift Exchange

The Bears started the first part of Winter Training in Greeley the week after finals with themed nights at Coach's house including a Pinata on Mexican Night, a White Elephant gift exchange, a lock-in at Butler-Hancock and maybe a little bit of swimming and diving..........

After a few days at home with family the team departed for San Diego for a week in the sun!! San Diego Zoo, driving down Sunset Blvd, and some time at the Santa Monica Pier awaited the Bears of course there was some swimming, diving, and lifting wieghts to be done also!

Newly painted Bears for "Bear of the Week" award!
Follow this link to our Facebook Page for more pictures of our time in Greeley.  Keep checking back for pictures from San Diego!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Bears vs. LMU and Cal State-Bakersfield

Freshman Renee Stephens came through for the Bears in both Breaststroke events.

The Bears welcomed 2011 in California with meets against our MPSF Conference opponents, Loyola Marymount and Cal State-Bakersfield. Freshman Renee Stepehens and Haley Bissell along with Sophomore Tatum Boehnke posted top times and finishes for the AquaBears.

Check out the link to for our Official Release