Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Day in the Life....

This week's A Day in the Life comes from Junior Co-Captian Amanda Donegan who is from Avondale, Arizona.  Amanda is majoring in Secondary Education with an emphasis in Math, she holds a Top Ten Time in the 100 Breast for the AquaBears, while also competing in the 200 Breast, 500 Free and sometimes the 1650 Free!

Here is a glimpse into Amanda's Daily Life.
Junior Amanda Donegan

Beep. Beep. BEEP! At 5:15 on the dot my alarm clock signals the start of a new day. I slowly get out of bed, vaguely wondering whether or not there will be a fresh layer of snow waiting for me on my car this morning. But that can wait. First I must get dressed and ready for morning swim practice. With a house full of swimmers, we all wake up together and try to get each other pumped up for our 6 a.m. practice. When it is time to leave I am delighted to see that my car is there waiting for me, snow-free.

Right before practice, I groggily walk up to the edge of the pool and put on my cap and goggles. When I jump into the cool water, I instantly wake up and am prepared to practice. Throughout morning practice I constantly try to work harder, become faster, and give my 110 percent. When practice comes to an end, it is time for me to get dressed and make my way back home.

At home, I eat my breakfast and prepare for my 10 a.m. class (which usually includes a pre-class nap). When my alarm once again goes off, I get ready to go to my class. For the next 4 hours and 15 minutes I am in learning mode. I try to stay focused in class which really pays off. Throughout my years of being a student athlete, I learned that it is important to pay attention in class and do as much work as possible during class and study hall in order to have more time at home to rest up for practices. After class I head home and immediately start getting ready for 3 o’clock practice. During this practice I still try to work harder, become faster, and give my 110 percent. I work on my stroke technique and try to become better at my specialty stroke – breaststroke.

After practice at 5:30 p.m. I go back home and eat supper. After supper I finish up any homework I had left to do. Once I am all caught up, I like to call home and see how everyone is doing. Finally it is time for bed around eleven o’clock and I know when I wake up the next morning; I am going to repeat it all again.

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