Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Day in the Life

This week's "A Day in the Life of an AquaBear" comes from senior Alisha Dauman.  Alisha competes in the butterfly and IM events for the Bears, she is majoring in Sport and Excercise Science, she swims along her twin sister, Alana who's day was featured a couple weeks ago.

Senior Alisha Dauman
Alisha is from Thornton, CO and here is A Day in Her Life.....

I wake up at 5:30am on a cold Wednesday morning to go lift weights, something that has become a ritual of mine for the last 3 years since I have competed at the college level.  An hour goes by and I’m on my way home to crawl up into bed take a short nap before class.  Most days I enjoy this nap; however there have been some weeks where I am obligated to study so that I can get the grades that I want. Around 9 o’clock, I go to the first of three classes on my schedule, Nutrition Assessment/Intervention of Nutrition, today I had the privilege to listen to a guest speaker talk about Cystic Fibrosis.  She has been living with CF her whole life and came to talk to us about what life is like for her day to day.  This fascinates me because I think my life is hard until I listen to what other people go through and then I actually think mine is pretty great.  I went to my next class which is Business Management, where we learned about how important it is to be organized whether working for a business or owning a business.  Food Science is next on my schedule, which is my favorite class because it strikes a particular interest of mine, baking.  I love to bake even though it is not something that I am able to do on a daily basis. In this class we learn about different type of foods and what can happen to it when it is baked different ways.  For example, we learned about what happens when you make a cake with Splenda instead of sugar, or honey instead of sugar and etc.  These are the things we test and bake ourselves so that we know firsthand what can happen.
Three o’clock rolls around and its practice time.  I swim butterfly and individual medley, so most practices are geared towards these events.  After practice, I eat dinner and head off to study hall.  I normally have schoolwork to do, especially since I’m a senior and am going to be graduating in May.  Swimming has been my life ever since I can remember and honestly I am a little sad to see it all be over with.  I am soaking up every last minute of the pool as I can before I take the next stroke in my life.

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