Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Day in the Life.....of Winter Training

This week's A Day in the Life comes from freshman Casey Wolter.  Casey, from DeForest, Wisconsin, swims the middle distance freestyle events for the Aquabears and is known to be the biggest Packer fan in the state of Colorado.

Casey Wolter
Casey Wolter

It is the first day of winter break and while most students are sleeping in, I am awake by 7:15 a.m. and getting ready to head over to Butler-Hancock for practice. This morning we are lifting, but before we lift we weigh in with our weight coach, Emily. Then it is off to the weight room where we get down to business lifting weights. During a normal week we would just lift in the morning and then swim in the afternoon, but since it is break and we are beginning our midseason taper, we head straight to the pool when we are all finished lifting. We dive in and get right into warmup. After warmup we go straight into the main set, and since we are beginning to taper, we break into our stroke lanes. Today I'm in the distance lane. I love training with the distance girls (D-Squad) because even when the sets are really tough, we always manage to keep each other laughing. After practice, I head over to Kira and Jamie's apartment, where I am staying for the week, and we make chocolate chip pancakes. Kira makes very good pancakes! With my stomach satisfied, we decide to watch Elf. It is weird not having any homework to do, but it is very nice to relax in between practices. During the movie, we all end up falling asleep. When we wake up for our nap, it is time for practice again. When we are done swimming, we all head over to Coach Kelly's house for team dinner. Tonight she made us lasagna and it was delicious. I love team dinners because I love spending time with my team. They are truly the best and they make me realize how lucky I am to apart of such an awesome team.