Monday, September 26, 2011

A Day in the Life.....Camping!

This week, sophomore Emily Essig-Peppard gives us a glimpse into the AquaBear's annual camping trip in her "A Day in the Life."

Sophomore Emily Essig-Peppard
Tents?  Check. Sleeping pads?  Check. Sleeping bags?  Check. Jersey (Coach Kelly’s dog)? Check. Food, layers of clothes, and more food?  Check, check, and check.
This past weekend the UNC Swim and Dive Team took a trip to Carter Lake for some team bonding out in the wilderness...well, I wouldn’t really call it “wilderness;” we went camping at a campground with "bathrooms" that would make you want to just use the wilderness instead (and be thankful for all those underwater sets).
Once we got there we went straight to work; getting all our tent mates together, putting up the tents quickly and easily(as we are all expert campers, of course), and unpacked the wide array of food from everyone. We then started our ‘oh so famous’ campfire (this is a very important part of our whole trip); after we finally got it raging, everyone settled down in a cozy circle around the fire to start the fun.
 We started off our activities with every girl (and Kevin) reading aloud their list of favorite things, so to speak (which included drinks, foods, restaurants, hobbies, etc.); this way everyone knew that extra something about their teammates and coaches. We then ate our self-provided dinners, where almost everyone cooked over the fire or ate their “gourmet to go” meals from Holmes Dining Hall on campus (which meant each girl eating around eight hot dogs for dinner, and no way of ordering pizza). After we had finished stuffing our faces, we sat back down to follow up on our “Getting to Know You list.” Coach Kelly read off one sheet at a time and would call upon a girl (or Kevin) to see if we could remember the favorite thing of our teammates.  Because we are so attentive to detail and payed very close attention, we were all able to guess the right person every time without much hesitation; as you can tell, we are great at this team bonding thing. Then it was time for each team member to share their life's greatest adversity, and accomplishment; while this may seem easy, trust us, it is not easy by any stretch of the imagination. This activity brings us mostly to tears, with the occasional laugh here or there, but the most important thing about this activity is that it brings us closer together. Once everyone has gone, it was time for us to hug it out and move on to the best part of the night, SMORES! We ended the night on a positive note and then headed to our very luxurious and comfortable tents for a good night’s sleep.
The next morning, we enjoyed our breakfast with the Women’s Basketball team from UNC; we shared laughs by throwing a mini concert full of lip singing and dancing, and even some funny talents we had (like the b-ball girl’s armpit farting). Not only were all of us watching, but some young kids from the next campsite over also enjoyed our treat and were dancing along to our songs playing so quietly (which really means blasting). After watching everyone's astounding talents, we said goodbye to our fellow athletes and gathered for one last meeting on the trip.
For the last time we sat down around the campfire to discuss our team goals. As a team we decide what we want to achieve throughout the season (from breaking records, to Team GPA, and to Life Skills). We also come up with steps on how we are going to achieve these goals as a team. After our “Team Goal Meeting,” we headed our separate ways to pack up the tents and clean up our campsite. Once we were finished, we ended the trip with a short hike to the top of a hill, to sit on top of the rocks and look down on Carter Lake. Here, we took time to reflect on the weekend and the gorgeous view in front of us. Now, we have come back to campus with a new outlook and are greatly looking forward to a great season with a team composed of new girls and returnees, ready to charge ahead and bring many wins to UNC Aquabears!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Day in the Life........

This week's A Day in the Life is written by Katy Rysemus who is a Sophomore from Tacoma, WA swimming the Fly, Breast and IM events for the AquaBears.

Sophomore Katy Rysemus

5:30am. The dreaded sound of my alarm clock wakes me up for the new day ahead.  Leaving the warmth of my bed is probably the most difficult thing I will have to do all day.  Once I’m up and moving around I find my weight clothes, grab something to eat and am out the door to go pump some iron for an hour. I had not ever really lifted weights before I came here to UNC, but doing so has made a deep impact on my swimming career and I remind myself of this if I ever struggle with a new lift or a greater amount of weight. Knowing that this will make me better turns the pain into purpose.
     After an hour of lifting, I head off to the dining hall for breakfast so I can obtain some sustenance so I will be able to stay awake in my classes. My favorite meal is scrambled eggs, fruit, and a bowl of cereal or if I’m really hungry a Belgian waffle…yum! Once my stomach is happy, I’m off to start my day of classes. I have a break after my first class so I make the trek back to my apartment for a quick nap or I complete any unfinished homework (but naps are preferred). I make something, usually a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a granola bar, for lunch and am out the door once again for the remainder of my classes.
     Once my last class is over I quickly head over to Butler-Hancock for afternoon practice.  After we have done about umpteen million mini-jacks and what seems like hours of jogging in place, we jump in the pool for our daily dose of chlorine. Practice is pretty hard most days, both mentally and physically but being surrounded by your teammates who are going through the pain with you makes it a little easier to accomplish. Words of encouragement can often be heard echoing off of the pool walls and this is part of what makes our swim and dive team not just a team, but a family. We support each other in every endeavor. Once practice is over, it’s time for either an ice bath (brrrrrrrrrr) or ice bags that make us look like deformed creatures, but we wear them proudly.
     Next is dinner and homework. The best dinners are when the entire team takes up a table at the dining hall and everyone can tell who we are because of the overwhelming aroma of chlorine and the loud chatter. After dinner it’s time to hit the books. Since I am an English Secondary-Education major with a History minor, I typically have more reading than anything. Nothing like some Emerson or Thoreau to end the night (an easy put you to sleep)! As the night grows later and later, I can hear my bed softly calling my name, wishing for me to let all my worries go so I can start the next day fresh and happy.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Day in the Life.....

This week's A Day in the Life comes from Sophomore Jamie Byrne who is from Parker, CO and majoring in Sport and Exercise Science. 

Jamie gives us a glimpse of her everyday life now that classes and practices have started.

Sophomore Jamie Byrne

5:30 AM my alarm goes off.....or not. Five minutes until practices starts and I am running around my room like a chicken with my head cut off, I can’t find my shoes or sports bra. It’s funny how things disappear when you need them most. Good thing we have been trained to work under pressure. Summer is over now and it is time to get back into the swing of things. No more lifeguarding in the warm sun and eating watermelon, instead I transition into having intense practices and protein shakes. Swimming, weights, and school is now the routine.

After weights I go home to eat a quick bowl of cereal before I head to class; unfortunately, my roommate Kira has drank all the milk again so I guess I will go with a bagel. Dang, I miss the dining hall days. My first class is American Sign Language which is one of my favorite classes so far. My teacher doesn’t speak throughout the entire class instead he acts out all the signs and spells them out for us. I sure wish he’ll be on my team if we ever play a game of charades. Next is my Exercise Physiology class. It’s a hard class but it’s nice to be out of the general education courses and into a class that is actually a part of my major. Last for the day is Introduction to Music. Good thing this class is last because this is usually about the time I start to crash. It is impossible to fall asleep while listening to African music and “feeling” for the beats by dancing and stomping.
Time to eat again, alright! I have a little break to relax now before I go to swim practice. Practice is tough. It consists of butterfly and endurance sets in order for us to get back into shape as fast as possible. We can then start focusing on what really matters, our dual meets and conference. I finish off the night with some homework and a sit down dinner with the roommates. It’s nice to be back in Greeley with the team and getting to know all the new freshmen. We are working hard together and staying positive. I can tell we are going to become a stronger team this year!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Cap is Back!

The Flower Cap has reappeared to help celebrate the birthdays of our athletes!  Practice has started for the 2011-2012 season which is a perfect time to celebrate summer birthdays.  This week both, Sammy Leonard and Alicen Fair, who have birthdays in June were honored at practice.  Happy Birthday girls!

Senior Sammy Leonard is ready to go!

Junior Alicen Fair ready for her swim!